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Posted 07/07/2021

Addiction Prevention

Prevent Teen Substance Use

Experts agree that brains do not fully develop until about age 25. For most people, this is the age when decision-making skills and impulse control begin to stabilize, and adults begin to understand the consequences of actions and make better choices.

For adolescents and young adults, prevention is key. For those who may need help with diagnosis or treatment of addiction, there are proven outpatient therapies that work. Learn more >>

Use, Store and Dispose of Medications Safely
  • Never take prescription opioids in greater amounts or more often than prescribed
  • Do not to take pain medications at the same time as alcohol or other substances such as benzodiazepine – this can lead to overdose
  • Never use another person’s prescription; and never share or sell your prescriptions
  • Store prescriptions securely away from others (including children, family, friends, and visitors)
  • Properly discard unused or expired medications
    • Learn about community drug take-back or pharmacy mail-back programs
Get Help for Mental Health Disorders

Early diagnosis and effective treatment of mental health disorders can reduce the risk of developing addictions. Research has shown that integrated and comprehensive treatment for co-occurring illnesses is the most effective.

This involves a customized blend of cognitive and behavioral therapy, medications, withdrawal management, motivational enhancement, and relapse prevention. Care teams with experts in mental health and addiction are equipped to provide the most comprehensive treatment plans. Learn more >>

Manage Pain with Fewer Medications

One of the most common reasons people use opioids is to manage pain from an injury, surgical or dental procedures or joint damage. Degenerative disease, autoimmune disease, cancer and infectious diseases can also trigger chronic pain requiring long-term pain management.

Many people are not aware of how easy it is to become addicted to opioids or that there are lifestyle changes and techniques within their control to help manage pain with fewer addictive substances or none at all.

Recognize the Signs of Addiction

Watch for these common signs of addiction:

  • Uncontrollable cravings for drugs
  • Isolation from family or friends
  • Not bathing, changing clothes or brushing their teeth
  • Changes in sleep habits
  • Unusual weight loss
  • Continued addictive behaviors despite the negative impact on relationships or finances
  • Stealing or taking medication from family, friends or businesses
  • Running out of medication before your next prescription is due
  • Taking medicines or substances solely to feel “high” or to avoid feeling sick
  • No longer doing activities that you used to enjoy
  • Frequent flu-like symptoms, especially when you run out of medication
Take Steps to Get Help

If you think you or a loved one may have signs of addiction, consult with an addiction medicine specialist right away. NCWR Addiction Recovery Clinic at OSU provides confidential and compassionate medical and behavioral care plans to restore physical, emotional and mental health. Phone 918-561-1890.

Deanne Vick | 2021